
  • Aurora runs only in AWS infrastructure.
  • Aurora is MySQL compatible, and can provide 5-times better performance than MySQL.
  • Aurora can deliver High Availability and performance.
  • Aurora provides better Scaling.
  • Aurora starts with 10GB and can scales in 10GB increments to 64 TB (Storage Auto Scaling)
  • Compute resource can upscale to 32v CPUs and 244 GB of Memory.
  • Aurora maintains two copies of the data in each AZ and maintains 3 AZ, so total 6 copies of the data.
  • Aurora is designed to handle transparently the loss of up to two copies of data without impacting the write availability and up to three copies without impacting the read availability.
  • Aurora is a self-healing, Data blocks and disks are continuously scanned for errors and repaired automatically.
  • Two types of Replicas for Aurora
    • Aurora Replicas (currently 15)
    • MySQL read Replicas (Currently 5)
  • Replicas priority login works in Tier 0 > Tier 1 > …. > Tier 15.
  • DB Cluster Identifier will be the DNS end point for the database instance.
  • Replication instance will have the DNS name as end point. In case of failure of the Cluster end point, it will automatically use the replication instance end point, no need to update the connection string.