Ansible – variable data type

Ansible variables support various data types, similar to many programming languages.

We have covered the Ansible variables in our earlier post, Ansible Variables

Ansible does offer us a way to check the type of variables used in our playbooks. To check the variables data types in your playbook, use the “type_debug” keyword.


- name: Playbook - to get the data types
   hosts: localhost
    y: 15
    server_name: "db_server"
    boolean_value: false
    float_value: 10.10

   - name: Lets get the data type
       - "Variable : {{y}}, is of type {{y | type_debug}}"
       - "Variable : {{server_name}}, is of type {{server_name | type_debug}}"
       - "Variable : {{boolean_value}}, is of type {{boolean_value | type_debug}}"
       - "Variable : {{float_value}}, is of type {{float_value | type_debug}}"

As you can see in the above code, we need to pass pipe operator | and then type_debug.

ansible variable data type