Kinesis Overview

  • Streaming data, it’s a data generated continuously with thousands of sources, which sends the data in small size and record continuously. E.g. listed below,
    • Purchases from online store
    • Stock price
    • Game data
    • Social network data
    • Geospatial data (Uber data) constantly sends the data about the cab and users location.
    • IOT data (Sensor Data).
  • Kinesis is a platform where we send the stream data, it helps to load and analyze the streaming data. It also helps in building your own custom applications as per the business needs.
  • Kinesis offers three core services
    • Kinesis stream
    • Kinesis Firehose
    • Kinesis Analytics
  • Kinesis retains the data for 24 hours and you can increase that to 7 days retention.
  • Kinesis Stream
    • They store the data in Shard, then the data is passed to EC2.
    • Once processed in EC2, the data can be moved further to different storage media like DynamoDB, S3, EMR and Redshift.
    • Kinesis streams consists of Shards.
    • 5 transactions per second to read.
    • 2 MB /Sec max data read rate.
    • 1000 records per second to write up to maximum 1 MB per second including the partition key.
    • The total capacity of the stream is the sum of the capacities of its Shard.
  • Kinesis Firehose
    • In Firehose, the data is acquired from different media like your personal laptop/S3 etc. and passed to Firehose, in Firehose it is analyzed and processed and then passed to S3. The data analytics is optional.
    • The data is retained for 24-hour default and can be extended till 7 days.
    • You can pass the data to Redshift but it should go through the S3. You can also pass the data to elastic search.
  • Kinesis analytics
    • It allows you to run the SQL queries; you can store the data of SQL further to S3/Redshift and Elasticsearch Cluster.
    • It is a web analysis tool used with SQL type query.