Ansible – Install Packages

Ansible can be used to install application packages like Git, apache, Mysql, etc. These packages can be installed using Ansible Ad-Hoc commands or through ansible Playbooks.

Syntax – To install the git package on the Ubuntu system.

ansible localhost -m apt -a "name=git state=present" -b

  • localhost – inventory, the host to be targeted.
  • -m module name, here we are using apt for Ubuntu/Debian systems. For the Linux systems using yum.
  • -a arguments passed for installation of the package.
    • name – package name to be installed.
    • state – Ansible provides multiple state options
      • present/installed – to install package
      • latest – to update the existing package
      • absent/removed – to uninstall package
  • -b argument to change the owner, like to grant sudo privileges

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