Ansible – Data Structure / Collection data type

Ansible support complex data type like data structure or collection types like List, Map, etc.

We have covered Ansible Variables, and the Ansible Data Types in our earlier post,

Ansible Data Structure or Collection types supports,

  • Lists, are a collection of items and are generally represented using the [] brackets. The items in the list are indexed and can be accessed using index values starting from zero.
  • We can define a list in two ways, as shown below.
    var_list: ['db_server', 'web_server', 'app_server']
    - 'db'
    - 'web'
    - 'app'
  • A Map is similar to the python dictionary. In Map, you can have key, and value pairs.
  • We can define Map in two ways as shown below.
    var_dict: {'db_server':'mysql', 'web_server':'apache', 'app_server':'php'}
     'db': 'mysql'
     'web': 'apache'
     'app': 'php'

Example code of List and Map,

 # Ansible Data Structure
 - name: Playbook - Ansible Data Structure 
   hosts: localhost
    # Ansible List
    var_list: ['db_server', 'web_server', 'app_server']
    - 'db'
    - 'web'
    - 'app'
    # Ansible Map
    var_dict: {'db_server':'mysql', 'web_server':'apache', 'app_server':'php'}
     'db': 'mysql'
     'web': 'apache'
     'app': 'php'

   - name: Lets print the list
     debug: var=var_list
   - name: Lets print the dict
     debug: var=var_dict

   - name: lets print the second list
     debug: var=var_list_2

   - name: lets print the second dict
     debug: var=var_dict_2

   - name: Lets print specific list value
       - "The second value of list is {{var_list[1]}}"
       - "The second value of the dict is {{var_dict_2['web']}}"
       - Another method of calling value from dict {{var_dict.get('app_server')}}
       - lets get all the dict keys {{var_dict.keys()}}
       - lets get all the dict values {{var_dict.values()}}

The below screencap shows the output of the list and map using different methods as defined in the above code.

Ansible – Data Structure

Ansible – Variables

Variables are containers for storing the values. Like any programming language, Ansible does support variables.

Ansible variable names should start with letters. Variable can contain letters, numbers, and underscores.

Types of Ansible variables

  • Default Variables
  • Inventory Variables
  • Facts and Local Facts
  • Registered Variables

Default Variables are variables defined by the ansible. Ansible provides the following default variables,

  • inventory_hostname
  • inventory_hostname_short
  • groups, and groups.key (keys of the group dictionary)

Note: Host variables have higher priority than group variables.