Database Overview

  • AWS database types
    • RDS – OLTP        
      • SQL
      • MySQL
      • PostgreSQL
      • Oracle
      • Aurora
      • MariaDB
    • No SQL Database
      • DynamoDB
    • RedShift – OLAP
    • Elastic Cache – In Memory Cache
      • MemCached
      • Redis
  • Encryption of the Database
    • Encryption at REST is supported for MySQL, Oracle, SQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB and Aurora.
    • Encryption is done by AWS KMS service (Key Management Service).
    • Once the RDS instance is encrypted. The data stored at REST in the underlying storage is encrypted.
    • This is applicable for Automated, Read Replicas and Snapshots.
    • At present, Encryption of the existing database is not supported. To use Amazon RDS encryption for the existing database, you must first create a snapshot, make a copy of that snapshot and encrypt the copy.